A collection of videos from our events can be viewed below…
Inclusive Standardised Large-Scale Assessments: Prospects and Promises. Moira Faul, Ava Guez, Elodie Persem, Bryan Maddox. Chaired by Radhika Gorur. 19 March 2024.
Lab Webinar Series – Global Citizenship Amid the Pandemic: Reflections on the PISA 2018 Global Competence Results. Christine Sälzer, Karen Pashby and Keita Takayama. Convened by Sam Sellar. 9 December 2020.
Lab Webinar Series – Do Global Education Reform Agendas and Strategies Require Re-Framing in Light of COVID-19? Manos Antoninis, Michael Ward & Sara Ruto. Convened by Radhika Gorur. 2 November 2020.
ESRC Seminar on The Futures and Promises of International Educational Assessment- Christian Lundahl
ESRC Seminar on The Futures and Promises of International Educational Assessment- Kerstin Martens
ESRC Seminar on The Futures and Promises of International Educational Assessment- Panellist comments
ESRC Seminar on The Futures and Promises of International Educational Assessment- Patrick Montjourides
ESRC Seminar on The Futures and Promises of International Educational Assessment- Ted Porter
ESRC Seminar on Media and International Assessment- Introduction to the event by Professor Mary Hamilton
ESRC Seminar on Media and International Assessment– How to work with media and policy makers? by Dr Petra Javrh
ESRC Seminar on Media and International Assessment- Analysis of media portrayals of PISA in Australia, 2000-2014 by Dr Aspa Baroutsis
ESRC Seminar on Media and International Assessment- All the Data by Dr Megan Knight
ESRC Seminar on Media and International Assessment- UIS strategy on media reporting by Brenda Tay Lim
ESRC Seminar on Media and International Assessment- Compare Globally Interpret Locally: International Assessments and the Public by Professor Oren Pizmony-Levy
ESRC Seminar Series ‘The Challenges of Diversity’
Bruno Zumbo for ESRC Seminar ‘The Production of Data in International Educational Assessments’
Ronald Hambleton for ESRC Seminar ‘The Challenges of Diversity’
Keynote speaker Dirk Hastedt’s talk at New York ESRC Seminar
Keynote speaker Professor Francisco Ramirez’s talk at New York ESRC Seminar
Keynote speaker Professor Florian Waldow’s at New York ESRC Seminar
Questions asked at the 2015 New York ESRC Seminar
Concluding remarks from New York ESRC Seminar
Education Governance in International Assessments: ESRC Seminar
International symposium on Literacy as Numbers, London, 2013
Literacy as Numbers international symposium opening speech, London, 2013