The Futures and Promises of International Assessment, convened by Camilla Addey, Radhika Gorur and Florian Waldow. The two-day seminar took place at Humboldt University in Berlin on 15th and 16th September 2016.
Video recordings of the seminar presentations are available on the VIDEOS tab above.
The ESRC seminar series on ‘The potentials, politics and practices of international assessments’ will opened the sixth and final seminar on ‘The Futures and Promises of International Assessment’ with a keynote by Professor Theodore Porter (University of California) on ‘Numbers: Representing and Intervening‘. The keynote was followed by a keynote response by Christian Lundahl (Örebro University) and a plenary discussion.
On the second day there was a panel discussion amongst Therese Hopfenbeck from the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment, Thierry Rocher from the French Ministry of Education, Sylvia Schmelkes from the Mexican Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE), and Eckhard Klieme from the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) on international assessment issues arising from the first five ESRC seminars. The panel will be followed by a keynote by Patrick Montjouridès from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics on Quantifying equity in learning: Conceptual and methodological progresses and challenges, and their consequences for policy-recommendations. Finally, Gita Steiner-Khamsi (Teachers College, Columbia University) will offered closing remarks and open up the plenary discussion.
For further information on this seminar, please contact Camilla Addey []