We are grateful to the following people who act as Expert Advisers to the Laboratory of International Assessment Studies:
Jo-Anne Baird, Pearson Professor of Educational Assessment at Oxford University and Director of the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment.
John Hattie, Professor of Education and Director of the Melbourne Educational Research Institute, University of Melbourne.
Anil Kanjee, Research Professor, School of Education at Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
Dana Kelly, Branch Chief, International Assessment Branch, National Centre for Education Statistics, Washington D.C.
Bob Lingard, Professorial Research Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Darleen Opfer, Director of RAND Education and Distinguished Chair in Education Policy at the RAND Corporation.
Sylvia Schmelkes del Valle, President of the Governing Council of the Mexican National Institute for Educational Assessment and Evaluation (INEE), Mexico City.
Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Professor of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.
Brenda Tay-Lim, Programme Specialist in learning outcomes at the UNESO Institute for Statistics, Montreal.
Sue Thomson, Head of Educational Monitoring and Research and the Director of the National Surveys research program at the Australian Council for Educational Research.
Matthias von Davier, Distinguished Research Scientist, National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia.
William Thorn, Senior Analyst in the Education Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.
Hans Wagemaker, Senior Adviser to International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), Amsterdam.
Margaret Wu, Professor of Education at Educational Measurement Solutions, Victoria, Australia.
Bruno Zumbo, Professor of Measurement, Evaluation & Research Methodology, Department of Statistics and the Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.