
There have been a lot of discussions on the policy impact of international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) on education systems. But do ILSAs ultimately influence students’ learning? In this blog post, Huiming Ding answers this question by drawing on findings from her study of the impact of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has at local, […]

In this post, Maksud Ali, Obaidul Hamid & Ian Hardy from the University of Queensland, discuss their recent paper ‘Ritualisation of testing: problematising high-stakes English-language testing in Bangladesh‘, published in COMPARE, 2020 (vol 50, Issue 4). High-stakes testing has become an inevitable part of Bangladeshi society. In this densely populated country, education and employment opportunities […]

By Roar Grøttvik, Political adviser, Union of Education Norway   The education systems in most OECD countries have now lived with the consequences of International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs) for more than a quarter of a century. Although these international assessments (TIMSS, PISA, PIAAC, PIRLS, etc.) have been debated extensively during this period, it is high […]

By Laura Engel (The George Washington University) and David Rutkowski (Indiana University) International large-scale assessments (ILSAs) are a fairly recent phenomena, developed in the mid-20th century and rapidly picking up steam since the mid-1990s. In the last decade, the ILSA industry has grown in terms of the different kinds of assessments, the subject areas assessed, […]
