Camilla Addey interviews Andreas Schleicher on PISA and the OECD
Camilla Addey interviews Andreas Schleicher on PISA and the OECD, in December 2015 In December 2015, I had the opportunity to interview Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education and Skills at the OECD, on PISA, PISA for Development and the OECD, as part of the ‘PISA for Development for Policy’ research project. This is an […]
Featured Research Project: “The Ranking Storm” on the 2016 TIMSS and PISA data release
By Erika Kessler and Oren Pizmony-Levy, Teachers College, Columbia University The ranking storm is coming! A comparative research project on international large-scale assessments and the public In the coming days, the two most influential international assessments of student achievement – TIMSS and PISA – will release their 2015 data and reports. TIMSS 2015, which will be released […]
PISA in a post-truth world
By Sotiria Grek, University of Edinburgh ‘I think people in this country have had enough of experts’ Michael Gove Two thousand and sixteen (2016) has been a year like no other. After the Brexit referendum in June, a few days ago we saw the rise to power of one of the most unbalanced […]
The Aesthetics of Numbers – The Beauty of PISA
By Christian Lundahl, Örebro University, Sweden @drlundahl In this blog post, Christian Lundahl responds to the keynote presentation by Theodore Porter. This is the second part of a two blog postings. In a paper from 2009, Florian Waldow and I claimed that Sweden, as a consequence of being a numbers country, was more or less immune to […]
The Aesthetics of Numbers – Trust and Mistrust
By Christian Lundahl, Örebro University, Sweden @drlundahl In this blog post, Christian Lundahl responds to the keynote presentation by Theodore Porter. This is the first part of a two blog postings. At the conference The Futures and Promises of International Education Assessment, convened by the Laboratory of International Assessment Studies, in Berlin 15-16 September 2016, I […]